Council for Culture.

Belarusian Council for Culture is a non-governmental organization that unites cultural actors forming the sustainable infrastructure of the free Belarusian culture

Photo by Daria Sapranetskaya
Our Mission
Photo by Daria Sapranetskaya
Photo by Daria Sapranetskaya
Council's initiatives
Photo by Daria Sapranetskaya
Resource Center develops
Мэты ініцыятыў
RC preserves and expands the creative potential of the nation and accumulates resources for the development of Belarusian culture and formation of sustainable creative space.
Sojm unites
Sojm (internal assembly) unites cultural communities in the development of cultural policy and the design of reforms.
Institute promotes
The institute advocates culture for political centers, international organizations, and the Belarusian civil society. It promotes Belarusian culture, including it in the global context.
Financing is secured for each initiative, taskforces have been created, and business plans have been drawn up for all the initiatives.

Initiatives' priority: the Resource Center (launch planned for the beginning of 2022), Sojm, and the Institute (work at the beginning of the year will be carried out by the core team of the Council, the assembly of the individual task force is planned for spring/summer 2022).
Our output

Resource Center.

To preserve and expand the creative potential of the nation and accumulate resources for the development of Belarusian culture and formation of sustainable creative space.
To recognize and appreciate actors and their works which give Belarus energy, as well as provoke global interest in our nation. To assemble experts for the development of ideas and projects which are crucial for the new Belarusian culture and facilitate their launch.

To consult cultural actors, connect them with experts and international institutions.

To implement educational projects, serve as an art-projects accelerator and give competence to art managers for competitive work in the global sphere of artistic creation.

To provide financial support of organization’s development and initial investments into projects that grow from the Council's activity and eventually become independent.
Monitoring of the cultural field. Expert commission for consulting projects has been created.

Experts have been appointed and projects for the life of new Belarusian culture have started: art residencies and school of art management. A network of contacts on patronage and assistance (funds, donors,philanthropists, etc.) was created for further consultation of cultural workers.

Funding is provided for the maintenance of the work of the Resource Center (administration, analysts, experts, advisers, team) and other projects (art management school, art residencies, training of fundraisers).


To unite cultural communities in the development of cultural policy and design of reforms.
To gather experts and volunteers from Belarus and abroad for an open discussion and search for of solutions on the strategy of cultural support and development.

To serve as the main platform for the creation of cultural policy.

To create and submit for approval a draft of cultural reforms put together by the Sojm expert committee.
Sojm is joined by the most important actors of the cultural field to engage in its activities; regular meetings with local and foreign art activists are held.

Cultural policy and financial mechanisms to maintain the culture in the face of the collapse of the Belarusian state system are developed.

Ten to twelve thematic groups of experts (music, cinema, literature, theater, art criticism) work together with legal experts on the program of reforms. The program is subjected to review and amended/approved by the Council.


To advocate culture for political centers, international organizations, and the Belarusian civil society. To promote Belarusian culture, including it in the global context.
To lobby the concept of culture in the sphere of activity of Belarusian democratic powers.

To conduct global cultural campaigns of solidarity with Belarus.

To facilitate implementation of projects that include artists from Belarus in the global context and art community.
The BCC Management Board combines its efforts with the democratic forces to advocate cultural policy. Series of cultural attache positions in the People's Embassies were created and filled. The core network of cultural magistrates has been created (a pilot project in Poland, with the prospect of expansion to other emigration clusters).

International media campaigns have been conducted (4 major campaigns in 40-50 cities in 20-25 countries). Media figures have been invited to become worldwide ambassadors of Belarusian culture.

Media projects on the promotion of Belarusian culture and inclusion in the world art scene have been launched.
Photo by Daria Sapranetskaya
What we will do
in three words
Photo by Daria Sapranetskaya
creative potential
our culture
The best cultural assets
© 2024 Belarusian Counsil for Culture. All rights reserved.