They say that if you don’t sum up the results of the previous year, then the new one won’t come. Of course, …
Who We Are and What We Do?
The Belarusian Council for Culture is a community of experts, managers, and artists.
We work on rebuilding the ecosystem of Belarusian culture in new conditions – amid repression, the emigration of cultural figures, and the search for identity in new countries.
Our goal is to preserve the integrity of the Belarusian cultural space, ensuring it remains shared by those who have left Belarus and those who stay in the country.
What We Do:
For the Cultural Sector in General:
– Advocating for the importance of culture at all levels and attracting resources for cultural development.
– Building new communities that can ensure the growth and sustainability of Belarusian cultural initiatives.
– Researching needs, analyzing, and monitoring the situation across various cultural sectors.
For Artists:
– Supporting projects and initiatives aimed at strengthening the Belarusian cultural field and developing cultural infrastructure.
– Facilitating education and professional development for artists and cultural managers, helping them expand their networks.
– Providing personal humanitarian support to people of culture facing difficulties, including consultations, financial, legal, and other types of assistance.
What We Do Not Do:
– Organizing events;
– Job searching or employment assistance;
– Counter-propaganda;
– Lending or purchasing equipment for events.
Legal Information
The Belarusian Council for Culture (BCC) has been a non-profit charitable organization registered in the EU (Estonia) since October 2020 under the name MTÜ Valgevene Kultuuri Assotsiatsioon. In May 2023, it was granted human rights organization status.
In Belarus, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has declared BCC an “extremist formation”. The Partizansky District Court of Minsk has ruled that all of our pages, communities, materials, and initiatives are considered “extremist materials.” Additionally, one of our Telegram channels, dedicated to the #BelarusWithUkraine campaign, has also been labeled “extremist.”

Siarhiej Budkin
CEO. Oversees the general management of the Belarusian Council for Culture, represents the organization internationally, and participates in the development of the Strategy for Activities, setting work priorities, and preparing activity reports. Engages in fundraising for the organization and the Belarusian cultural sector as a whole. Officially represents BCC in Warsaw.

Nadzieja Haretskaja
Deputy Director. Organizes team workflow, manages partnership relations, and represents BCC’s position on the ArtPower Belarus program. Officially represents the organization in Vilnius.

Elina Kałnibałockaja
Finance and Project Manager. Has been with the Belarusian Council for Culture since its foundation. Builds teams, optimizes general management processes, and develops the organization’s financial policy.

Alena Rydzieŭskaja
Project Manager. Leads the human rights group of the Belarusian Council for Culture. Works in various ways to support artists who have faced repression in Belarus. Since the group’s creation, more than 800 cultural figures have received support.

Cimafiej Akudovič
Expert and Project Manager. Historian, cultural researcher, and head of the “Belarusian Magistrates” project – a donor community supporting promising initiatives in the cultural sector.

Kaciaryna Ramančyk
Expert and Project Manager. Founder of the Telegram channel @sekktor and editor of, a platform dedicated to professional opportunities for Belarusian cultural professionals.

Nastaśsia Marozava
Finance Manager. Handles documentation and financial administration, assisting the Board in ensuring the organization’s financial stability.

Alena Kachovič
Project Manager. Specializes in working with benefactors, supporting educational and creative projects, and strengthening cultural communities.

Bažena Lis
Project Manager. Leads the Resource Center platform in Vilnius, develops automated data collection systems, and manages key projects of the Belarusian Council for Culture.

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