Join #Justice4Belarus #By_Culture
Help stop the violence against artists, cultural leaders & citizens of Belarus
We are asking the international creative community to join your brothers and sisters in Belarus who are calling for an end to the Lukashenko dictatorship, the ending of human rights violations, and stopping the mistreatment of artists & musicians that choose to peacefully express their views.
Join us
Please join over 1500 artists, musicians, and cultural leaders from Belarus that are using their craft to say no to tyranny!

Help us fight back!
I've just signed the letter against tyranny in Belarus. Come join the international solidarity campaign!
#Justice4Belarus #BY_Culture
We are 1500 cultural Belarusians and we want our country back! We are the concerned artists and musicians from all corners of Belarus, all genres of art, music, culture,

The coalition was created by Sergei Budkin, cultural manager and producer and the cultural news outlet

Our goals are simple. We are asking for help from the international community to demand a fair and legal election, as well as to stop the violence of law enforcement agencies. We need your help to support the Belarussian cultural community that is courageously speaking out each and every day.

#Justice4Belarus #BY_Culture
What we do?
Over the past two months, The Belarusian Cultural Society has built momentum with over 200,000 people now willing to take to the streets even against an authoritarian leader and knowing the consequences of their actions.
Collected the evidence of repressions, pressure on, and persecution of artists
Helped artists that were subjected to the pressure by the dictatorship through the support of artistic projects, fostered the creation of artistic expression focused on a free Belarus
Helped over 200 artists who have spoken against dictatorship legally, financially, psychologically.
Raised awareness through the social media campaign #By_Culture

Showcased over 100 anti-authoritarian expressions at https://tuzinfm.culture
Received tens of thousands of social views to highlight these struggles
Since 1994, Lukashenko has held an iron-fist on the citizens of Belarus. It is constantly listed as one of the top human rights abuse countries in Eastern Europe by Amnesty International. Lukashenko has locked up hundreds of artists, musicians, poets (link to the repressed list), thousands have been fired or forced to resign in protest. Street musicians are being jailed, street art is being wiped or burnt out, performances of artists who are not afraid to speak out are being canceled. Black lists are being replenished each day.

The country has pushed for a general strike and we need the world to join us to pressure Lukashenko to step down. Our moment is now!

#Justice4Belarus #BY_Culture
International Solidarity Campaign
Donate to our efforts - funds will go directly to cultural leaders that are suffering the most.
How you can help
Sign the letter of international solidarity
Funds will go directly to cultural leaders that are suffering the most
Record the appeal
Record and share your support with the slogan "Zhyve Belarus" ("Long Live Belarus") and the hashtags #by_culture #justice4Belarus
Dedicate a piece of art (song, video, performance) to Belarus - also with the hashtag #by_culture #justice4Belarus
Perform the live online set in solidarity with Belarus, from your own flat or a studio - with the call to support our fund of cultural solidarity
Participate in the auction for solidarity in support of the fund
Contact us:
Telegram: @by_culture
Our news
Check the latest updates in Twitter at @BYCULTUREFUND